General Payment Enquiries
- Adding Cash on Delivery to your Marketplace
- Understanding payments
- Why do I need to have a mandatory payment method?
- What are the payment methods available to my sellers/merchants?
- Will my customers be able to do multiple item checkouts?
- Are there any other methods, besides commission fees, which I can use to charge users on my marketplace?
Using Payment Processors
- Setting up your Payment Gateway (Stripe)
- Setting up your Payment Gateway (Stripe's Holding Funds)
- Adding Omise as a Payment Gateway
- Stripe's Holding Funds FAQ
- Being the merchant on record on Marketplace
- How are the PayPal fees calculated?
Marketplace Usage Fees
- How do I set Category Commission?
- How do I charge merchants who use my online marketplace?
- How are the admin commission fees calculated?
- How can I change my admin commission rate/fee?
- Changing the commission fee
- Include discounts in admin commissions calculation
Selling Internationally
- Supporting international buyers and sellers
- Can I support international buyers and sellers with my marketplace?
- How can I support European buyers and sellers with Stripe on my marketplace?
- Can I accept more than one marketplace currency or show multiple currency conversions?
- Which currency should I set as my marketplace default currency?
- What are Foreign Transaction fees?
Accounting and Tracking
- Admin Portal Sales Page Modification
- Tracking all transactions on my marketplace
- Understanding transactions
- Order Statuses
- What are the different order statuses for the ‘Service Bookings’ marketplace type and what do they mean?
- What are the different order statuses for the ‘Rental Goods by Type’ marketplace type and what do they mean?
Shipping and Delivery
- Creating your own Delivery Methods
- Activating Delivery 2.0 (For Admins)
- Bulk Shipping
- Checkout Page Delivery/Billing Address Toggle
- Delivery / Pick-up Options Toggle
- Charging for delivery (Delivery 1.0)