Onboarding FAQs
- Arcadier’s Guide on the Announcement tab
- Adding or Editing the Policies in your Marketplace
- Adding FAQs on the marketplace
- How do I edit a sub-category?
- How do I edit a category?
- How do I add a sub-category on my marketplace?
- How do I add a category on my marketplace?
- Supported Browsers / Devices on Arcadier
- Understanding the rules of Arcadier marketplaces
- Optimising marketplace speed
- Logging into your admin portal
- Why are my merchants unable to be on-board?
- What can I customise on my marketplace?
- Why can’t I delete a category or sub-category?
- What is an admin commission fee?
- Choosing your admin commission fee
- Unable to check out
- What is the optimal size which I have to use for pictures and logo that I upload to my marketplace?