If you are unable to check out in your marketplace, it is likely that your sellers have not linked a payment method or the payment method wasn't set up properly. Another possibility is that the payment gateway is not supported in your country (please check if your country is supported by the payment gateway you have selected).
This happens when your sellers onboard before the admin (you) has added payment methods on the marketplace. If you have already added payment methods, sellers will have to add payment methods before they can upload listings on your marketplace.
Advice your sellers to add a payment method to their seller portals by following the steps below:
1. For this example, the seller will be using Stripe. Sellers will need to create a Stripe account to complete this step. They can click on ‘Link Account’ which will bring them to Stripe’s account set up page.
Stripe account setup
2. Once the seller has successfully linked his/her Stripe account, the payment section would show ‘Verified’ and the seller can move on to the next step.
Click Next, add delivery methods and click Save. With that, the seller set up process is completed! Your buyers can now check out with listings from this seller.