If you’ve bought a domain from 1and1, you need to reconfigure your DNS settings to point the domain to your Arcadier Marketplace domain.
1. Log in to your 1and1 account
2. In the Your Domain section, click Manage Domain

3. Under Domain Settings, click on Domain Settings.

4. Under Subdomain Overview, click on Create Subdomain.

5. Add www in the Create Subdomain field and click Create Subdomain.

6. Find the subdomain that you have just created under Subdomains and click on the down arrow.

7. Click Edit DNS Settings.

8. Under A/AAAA and CNAME Records, click on the CNAME radio button.

9. Fill in your-marketplace-name.arcadier.io in the Search Domains field and click the checkbox.

10. Click save and you are done!

For adding sub-domain:
If you have a root domain and are already using it for other purposes, you can use a subdomain to point to your Arcadier marketplace instead.
If, for example, your root domain is sixsixes.co, and you want to add store.sixsixes.io as your subdomain:
1. Log in to your 1and1 account.
2. In the Your Domain section, click Manage Domain.

3. Under Domain Settings, click on Edit Domain Settings.

4. Under Subdomain Overview, click on Create Subdomain.

5. Add store in the Create Subdomain field and click Create Subdomain..

6. Find the subdomain that you have just created under Subdomains, and click on the down arrow.

7. Click Edit DNS Settings.

8. Under A/AAAA and CNAME Records, click on the CNAME radio button.

9. Fill in your-marketplace-name.arcadier.io in the Search Domains field and click the checkbox.

10. Click save and you are done!