1. Create an account with Cloudflare
2. Add in your own custom domain
3. Select the appropriate plan
4. Cloudflare will then pull your DNS information from your custom domain provider
5. Change the nameservers configured at your domain registrar. This can be obtained from your domain provider.
6. Return to your Arcadier admin portal to add in the custom domain you have purchased with your domain provider. Click here for more information on how to add your custom domain.
7. Add your CNAME record to the Cloudflare system.
8. While waiting for your custom domain to become active, return to your Cloudflare portal to turn off Cloudflare by clicking on the orange cloud. It should turn grey.
9. After the custom domain is active, turn the Cloudflare back ‘On’ by clicking on the grey cloud. It should turn orange.
10. Verify that Cloudflare is activated by checking the site at https://centralops.net/co/
A. Turn off Cloudflare in your Cloudflare portal, and note down the IP address listed
B. Turn Cloudflare back on in the Cloudflare portal. If the IP address changes, then Cloudflare has been activated. Do note that this may take a few minutes.