Please find below frequently asked questions on the holding fund feature in Arcadier:
How do I use the holding funds feature in Arcadier?
Click here to learn how to set up the holding funds feature as an administrator.
Why do I see different dates for fund release as a buyer?
Payout timing configured by Stripe may differ from the payout duration set by the admin. The Payout timing displayed on the portal reflects both the timing set by admin and Stripe.
Funds will only be released after the duration configured in Stripe. Click here to find out Stripe's payout duration based on country.
What are the requirements for your seller to use the holding funds feature?
1) Seller will need to have a stripe account
2) Stripe account has to be in the same country as admin's stripe account. It is possible to create and manage multiple stripe account associated with the same email address.
Click here to learn more about requirements to open a stripe account in another country.
Click here for more information on how to create multiple stripe account.