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Add Location to search bar feature for services




  • Official comment
    Arcadier Support

    Hi everyone,


    Glad to say this is doable on Arcadier by editing your search bar. To learn about how you can do that, you can follow the link below to the article on editing your search bar.

  • Arcadier Support

    Thanks Lizz, you might already have done this step, but to other's who would like to see this feature, please upvote this feature here:

    We have shared our APIs publicly for marketplace users to evaluate the platform and it's capabilities, so that users who are more advanced in their marketplace requirements can also consult with developers to build on our platform. We've responded to you on  our API capabilities in our conversations with you and your developers, and the ability for 2 types of search bars is a feature we have considered, and have placed in our road map. More votes on this feature would definitely help us to prioritise it to serve the majority of our users!

  • Sheryl

    yes this is an important function to search for services near you

  • Ben

    I agree, very important if we want to grow our marketplaces.


  • AnaLizzPardo

    I agree, we also need this functionality as well as the optionto disable the search radius functionality. Thanks


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