Arcadier's community is here to help any Arcadier user get questions answered by other users. It is always great to have a positive, lively and open discussion, and these guidelines are here to help with that!
Stay On-topic
Be sure your post matches the general theme of the original post. For example, all posts on new ways to monetise your marketplace should pertain to different ways to charge end-users on marketplaces for the usage of the marketplace. If you are unsure, just take a look at the previous responses to see if your posts add value to the discussion.
No Self-promotion
A discussion or comment that contains only a link to your blog, a service or article on another site will almost always be removed unless it comes with a helpful explanation.
Don’t Be a Jerk
Personal attacks and harassment will not be tolerated. Sexist, racist, misogynist, homophobic, and broad, offensive generalizations about groups of people are simply not allowed. Comments or discussions written intentionally to provoke will also be removed. Comments that contain profanity will be removed depending on the context of the comment. Profanity used to insult, antagonize, or inflame will always be removed.
English Only
We currently only support English-only discussions on the Arcadier User Community. Non-English comments and discussions will be removed.