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Public roadmap so marketplace owners have visibility of when to expect certain critical updates that they are waiting for


7 commentaires

  • Arcadier Support

    Hi Snapsquad, 

    Thanks for the feedback and suggestion! We have considered this in the past, and are definitely open to finding a solution that would provide our users with an overview of the upcoming features. 

    If you think that this is something that you want, do upvote this feature request and let us know some of your thoughts as well! 

  • C. SMITH

    The support forum is having issues right now and upvoting isn't working.  Consider this a +1 please.  The recent in particular AMA brought up a ton of things that I think we need to have an idea of the roll out plan.

  • C. SMITH

    Or perhaps, a section of the support forum that is not public facing.

  • Arcadier Support

    Hi C Smith, 

    It seems to be working fine on our end! We would like to thank you for your valuable feedback as we look into the various ways that this feature can be implemented for our users. Do keep in touch with all our product updates in the link over here if you haven't already! 

  • C. SMITH

    I was getting 502 bad gateway errors while accessing the forums earlier.

  • Arcadier Support

    Hi C Smith, 

    We have tested it on several devices and computers but we don't seem to be experiencing the issue, may I know if you are still facing this issue? And also, the device that you are currently browsing from so that we can investigate the issue further.

  • C. SMITH

    Sorry I missed this.  The issue went away next time I logged on.  It was on a Windows PC if that still matters.


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