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Higher Resolution Pics


7 commentaires

  • Commentaire officiel
    Arcadier Support

    Hi all,

    Thank you for all the feedback and comments, we really appreciate them and do hope to address all your issues as soon as we can.
    Regarding the image issue, we have an article here explaining more on the quality control of it and why the downsampling of images occur and how to prevent it

    We also understand that some marketplace use-cases require a lower compression, something that is also addressed at the end of the article.

    We hope that the information has been useful and do let us know if there are still any questions or issues around this!


  • SnapSquad (

    Hi Josh,


    Totally agree with you on this. Its been a journey indeed getting things up and running and Hesson from Arcadier has been immensely helpful in getting some of our concerns fixed. Other issues such as the image however has taken longer than ideal but i get that they cant deal with all the feature requests all at once. That said, as you highlight, image quality is important and certainly a pain point for our sellers.

    Hope they can solve this issue with a good balance between load speed and image quality.



  • V Beryl

    I just heard back from Arcadier about this and they've basically said this is how things are going to be (image compression will happen and we will lose the sharpness) since they took a strategic decision favouring site performance. Such a deal breaker for me! Shame, since I liked the platform otherwise.


    Not sure how in this day and age where images are *every*thing, you can actually take a decision to destroy the quality of an image. I tried uploading a 300KB image and it was fuzzed out as well. I would recommend that the platform owners at least put a limit (say 1MB) after which the image will be compressed.

  • Joshua Herman Gier

    There are many ways to go around this - and I have stopped considering Arcadier as the right alternative. Image quality is important - whether it is products, photography works, interior design or any kind of design portfolio. 

    I have a tried and tested various options and so far wordpress and wix are much better options. I am able to upload hi res images and still have quick site uploads with high google rankings. Sorry Arcadier - gotta try a bit harder

  • V Beryl

    I am still unable to wrap my head around anyone taking the decision to reduce the quality of images when an easier alternative could have been file size restriction. That said, I havent yet found a well crafted multi vendor rental goods marketplace platform that Arcadier has - shame that the feature and setup is great, but has such a MAJOR drawback!

  • Nico

    Why would not it be possible to achieve BOTH goals

    1) A website that loads FAST


    2) High quality pictures.


    Here is how both goals could be easily achieved, without any costly development for Arcadier:

    1) On the listings preview => pictures can be loaded as "compressed" pictures/low definition to only show a preview in low definition.

    2) Users should have the ability to CLICK on the pictures so the pictures open in a new preview popup window in HIGH definition. It is only at that moment that the website will take a bit of time to load. This will not affect the speed of the website overall whenever users open the listings in step 1).

    Would this be a fair solution?


    Anyway, the speed of the internet connection of users is constantly improving: from 3G to 4G and 5G coming soon; and wifi speed is constantly being improved. So, the compromise of a fast website versus high quality of pictures is less ans less consistent. Especially when at the same time, visual effects are more and more privileged by any websites and apps: Instagram, Airbnb,

    This is very basic thinking...


    The pictures that the users upload in their listings are THE BEST sales argument that they have.

    There is a DIRECT correlation between the quality of pictures and the volume of sales on any website.


    Think of 2 similar products on Amazon for instance: would you rather purchase the one that is featured in a listing with poor pictures; or would you purchase the one that is featured in a listing with great quality pictures? 

    There are many ways to increase the image quality without affecting the website speed. It just needs to be treated properly.


    >>> Please Arcadier: would you please reconsider? This is definitely strategic for all marketplace types: products, service, rental.


    >>> Please let us know what you think. Will be much appreciated.



  • Emma

    I am really fed up with the quality of the images. Low resolution poor quality images do not lead to sales, and the seller profile is so blurry that text is unreadable. This really needs to be considered as it really impacts the overall experience of the marketplace for both the seller and the buyer.

    There must be a way to improve this. 


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