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How to Disable Negotiate Button for All Users



  • Nico

    You can check if this can be achieved using custom code... You can always ask the Custom Code team.

  • Gillo Floodlight

    Custom code worked for us. I did use javascript to "force" the negotiate-button to be unchecked and then CSS to hide the negotiate button.

  • Anthony Ham

    @Gillo Floodlight Is it possible that you can provide that code to "force" the negotiate-button to be unchecked and then CSS to hide the negotiate button.

    I can't call myself a coder but I can try to learn from your success

  • Gillo Floodlight

    Hi @Anthony I will connect and respond to you in private :)

  • Mnascimento

    Hello @Gillo i need the same control, is it possible you provide me that code to "force" the negotiate-button to be unchecked and then CSS to hide the negotiate button too?

    I'm don't have a Tech skill and appreciate your help.


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