Cancellations and refunds in the service marketplace
CompletedIn the service marketplace, we need a cancellation process with "Refunded" order status available in upcoming services. This is currently not supported. Please up vote to have this feature, as in the retail and goods marketplaces.
Nobody likes cancellations, but there needs to be a process for it. Currently, a buyer in the services marketplace can make a booking months in advance. They are charged for it immediately. When for one reason or another, they want to cancel the service (as per the buyer's cancellation policy), they want to get refunded right away. So, the buyer issues the refund on the payment processor's side, but this doesn't change the order status. If not automatic, at the very minimum, the buyer should be able to manually change the status of the order to "Refunded". How is the buyer supposed to remember which orders have been refunded? Also, the buyer would appreciate the communication from the marketplace that they have been "Refunded".
Official comment
Good news!
We are pleased to announce that, due to its remarkable request growth over the years, Cancellation in the Service Marketplace is finally live!
This feature will allow merchants to cancel and track a listing and notify buyers of the canceled status. Kindly visit this link for more information.
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