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Issues with homepage loading- after April update



  • Arcadier Support

    Hi Corey, on Arcadier's end, we have been building a revision to the loading wheel enhancement we added (to prevent users from navigating away before the page had fully loaded - which had caused a couple of issues). It will be a cosmetic change, which is to remove the translucent loading cover and large spinning wheel and replace it with a smaller loading wheel, which was originally pushed for the end of the month. However, we understand the issues that the wheel has been causing and we are trying to get this pushed as early as possible.

  • Or Or

    agree! its very disturbing

  • Corey Wright

    I want to say thank you to Arcadier and Hesson for the quick follow up to my issue. I was able to identify the section of custom code I had that was causing the excessive load times and remove it. The issue is much improved. Thank you for the timely support and feedback.Thank you!

  • Or Or



    I also experience this issue, how does it solved?



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