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We should be able to delete users from our markeplace




  • Official comment
    Arcadier Support

    Hi Arcadier Community,

    We are very excited to inform you that the option to delete users are already available in the admin portal, making the process a lot faster and convenient for the marketplace owner. To delete a user, simply head to the Users tab in the admin portal. Then, select the X button (found at the right) assigned to the buyer and/or seller you wish to delete. ​

    We hope this helps! Be on the lookout for new features that we are launching soon.

    Your Arcadier Team

  • Lizz

    Exactly. We need full control and management of our traffic.  And less depending on customer support for this.


  • Theindependentbabyshop

    100% agree with this. 

  • Arcadier Support

    Good news - we've placed this in our roadmap! Definitely going to build this important feature into Arcadier. More news to follow.

  • Jessmzmll

    What you mean about "roadmap"

  • Kirstie Holovati

    Any News on this? its been 8 months since the last post?

  • Luis

    When will this feature be live? 
    I need to erase many users and cannot be writting support for everyone 


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