Logging-In Issues
- Login Methods Toggle
- Login or Sign-in to your marketplace admin portal
- Resetting your admin password
- Facebook Login currently unavailable
- Why am I constantly logged out and need to re-login to my portal webpage?
- How to reset password for buyers and sellers?
Email Settings
- Can I resend emails in my mail log to other email addresses?
- Changing your notification email
- Editing Email Notifications for Your Buyers & Sellers
- How to Use the HTML Email Editor
- Are email notifications on Arcadier completely white-labelled?
- Why won't my mail send?
Language Settings
Search Settings
- Performing a search (On the search bar)
- How is search performed on the marketplace?
- Changing the Search Bar settings for Rental and Service Marketplaces
- How does the search filters on my marketplace work?
- Can I create more search filters for my marketplace other than the existing price filter?
- Creating new search filters