What is the Profile Input Fields plug-in?
The Profile Input Fields plug-in enables marketplace administrators to create additional input field(s) to both the merchant and consumer's profile settings page to collect additional information. Click here and follow the instruction on how to install a plug-in.
Why should I use this plug-in?
The administrators of certain marketplaces have a requirement to collect additional information from users and this plug-in gives administrators the ability to collect additional relevant information based on the administrator's choice.
For example, some marketplaces may require users to specify their gender. Using this plug-in, administrators can now make Gender a user custom field that users have to fill up during onboarding.
The screenshot below shows a user profile page before adding the profile input fields plug-in into the marketplace.
After the administrator adds the profile input fields plug-in into the marketplace, two new input field can be seen in the screenshot below.
How can Admin view the information that registered users have entered?
Admins can view information that users have entered by heading to the user detail page. You can access the user detail page via the following steps:
- Head to Users tab > Users List
- Decide on any of the users
- Click on any fields of the user
You will then be brought to the respective user detail page which will look similar to the screenshot below.
What are the fields available?
Marketplace administrators can decide to collect different information from merchants and consumers by setting up different profile input fields for different user types. This enables the collection of various types of information through different input field options to be created for the profile pages.
- Text Box - allows the collection of free form information
- Number - allows the collection of numerical information
- Checkbox - allows the collection of one or more selections
- Dropdown - allows the collection of a unique selection
How do I use these fields?
Text box and number box creation
1) Click on the button Add Profile Input Field at the top right corner.
2) A entry row will appear under the table.
3) Select the type of field by clicking on the drop-down list and give a name to the label
Checkbox and drop-down list creation
Repeat steps 1 to 3 from above.
4) Under the Checkbox/Drop down field types, you can enter the different types of choices you will provide to your consumer.
For example if you wish to display a list of options under a drop-down list;
- Red
- Green
- Blue
After each option, click on the Add option to generate another option.
Deletion of input fields
Simply click on the delete button to delete the profile input option.
General Note: Using Plug-Ins with Custom Code Editor:
If you have utilized the Custom Code Editor and have inserted custom codes into your marketplace, there is a chance that the selected installed plug-in may conflict with the inserted codes resulting in errors on your marketplace, especially if your custom code relates to the same feature areas of the plug-in. In such an instance, simply uninstall the plug-in and the error will go away. Please note that Arcadier is not responsible for any errors which may occur as a result or support any custom code fixes to accommodate any plug-in. You will have to contact your developers directly for support.