How can my sellers give access to their seller account without giving away their login credentials?
My sellers need to manage their inventory and orders through multiple accounts.
If those sound like you, then this feature is just for you!
By simply turning on the feature "Merchant Sub-Account" in your admin portal under Advanced from Settings, this feature would immediately be available on your marketplace for your sellers!
How does it work for my Sellers?
When the feature has been turned on, the seller header menu, the button "Sub-Accounts" will appear, when the seller, clicks into this, they will be presented with their list of sub-accounts (by default, only their main account will be shown). To add a new sub-account, simply press the "Invite Sub-Account" button at the top right.
They will then be prompted to key in the email addresses they would like to send the invite to. Multiple recipients can be sent an invite at the same time simply separate each different email with a comma.
Do my Seller's sub-accounts need to create their own accounts?
Yes, they do get their own login credentials, however they will not sign up using the usual registration page on your marketplace.
To onboard a sub-account specific to a seller, the sub-account invite EDM sent out (from the Invite Sub-Account button) will bring them to their own custom registration page.
After they create an account here, they will gain full access to the seller's account except for the login settings and password reset tool. Those would be specific to their own credentials they had created above.
The sellers can also monitor the activity on their account using the Activity Log, to see which created sub-account is doing what and when. This page is accessed through the "Activity Log" button on the sub-account's page.